How many of you set goals for 2023?
How many of those goals did your achieve?
How many did you NOT achieve?
Congratulate and reward yourself on the goals you did achieve and give yourself grace on the ones you did not achieve.
As I do every year around this time, I reflect on the past year and decide what I want to add to my goals for the upcoming year.
I also reflect deeply on the goals that I did not achieve and go through two exercises – “Peel the onion back” and “But why, But why, But why…” a few times until a feasible answer emerges.
Going into next year, I encourage you to try that exercise, not to beat yourself up but to make sure we are holding ourselves accountable for having the life you want, which is entirely up to you.
Let me just add that I understand that there are legitimate reasons why you may not have been able to achieve your goals, for example, illnesses or other life events. But often, that is not the case for most people.
For me, while I achieved many of my goals, there are some that keep getting added to my list year after year after year.
Starting with some of the achievements, in 2022, I committed to start an Online Yoga class for beginners’ because many of my coaching clients wanted to improve their balance, posture, build upper body and core strength, etc. and did not feel comfortable going to a yoga class in a studio or gym.
I am proud to say that in 2023, I showed up every week when class is scheduled for my students and we are learning, getting stronger and growing in our practice and our Balance Yoga community is thriving.
I have taken the time to congratulate and reward myself for this achievement. And I encourage you to do the same when you achieve a goal.
Now onto an example of what I did not achieve. For the last couple of years, I set the goal to show up live on social media more often. And for the last couple of years, I bombed on this goal.
So this year, I took a deep dive and used the two exercises I mentioned earlier and I had a few Ahas, light bulb moments and what the heck reactions…
The first thing I noticed is that my goal lacked all the essentials of a goal. Many of you may already know the essentials. If not, here it is.
Goals must be SMART.
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Relevant
T – Time bound
My goal to show up live on social media more often BOMBED on most of the essentials for a SMART goal. I did not establish what I would talk about, when I would go live,how I would measure my efforts, and for how long.
So while the goal missed the mark, I also realized that it was not a priority for me because it was not SCHEDULED. And for me, if it is not scheduled, it is nonexistent. I am going to make my goal smarter for next year, so look out.
Annually, health related goals usually make the list for most people. Now, it’s time for you to make or revisit your 2024 goals, keeping in mind that they must be SMART, scheduled and made a priority.
As the saying goes, where focus goes, energy flows. And where energy flows, whatever you’re focusing on grows.
Here are some of the most common resolutions and many will look familiar to you:
- Lose weight
- Exercise more or start exercising
- Eat healthier
- Drink more water
- Get better sleep including going to bed earlier
- Practice better self care
- Spend more time with family and friends
- Get organized
- Save more money / spend less money
- Travel more
- Read more
I would love to know whether any of your goals were in the list above and whether it is SMART.
In Good Health,
DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to provide medical advice. The purpose is to provide education and a broader understanding to my readers. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider before making any dietary or lifestyle changes. I do not recommend or prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.
Email: [email protected]
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If you are struggling with weight gain, lack of energy, hot flashes, cravings, etc. I have a few spots available over the next 2 weeks for a FREE 30-minute Breakthrough Strategy call.